WhatsApp is an instant messaging app that was initially released in the year 2009. Now WhatsApp has proclaimed the most anticipated feature which is the Voice Calling feature to the app users. The feature can be accessed only through invitation. The feature cannot be accessed by latest version 2.11.508 Android users.
WhatsApp has stated that it is still testing the feature and will roll out to users soon. The new feature is available to consumers only when they get an invitation from the other users that are already availing this feature. Even though if you have downloaded the latest version of the app in your handset, to access this feature user should get invitation from others who are using this app. Users have to wait until other notified you about this app. A reddit user who is using Nexus 5 device has stated that new voice calling feature is running the latest Android Lollipop OS.
The reddit user has posted some screen shots showing the Calls tab with Contacts and Chats. Consumers who will receive the invitation for accessing the feature will be able to see the standard caller interface. Along with caller buttons you will also get options for speaker, messaging and mute. The admix interface is unique and fairly simple in style. It shows only name and WhatsApp image of the particular user you are calling.
Some of the users have stated that, they are not able to send invitation for other people. They have also stated that it works correctly only in India that too for the users who are having Lollipop 5.0.x version on Nexus 5 smartphone. This Voice Calling feature does not work for other Indian users who are having earlier combo.
WhatsApp has launched this feature to receive some user feedback before the main global app feature launch. The UI also seems to be pretty similar in design to the normal calling feature and this was also shown earlier in the screenshots.
More than 700 million users are using this WhatsApp and the company is also launching new features like the WhatsApp web which is accessible via the desktop web browser. WhatsApp is holding a competition with the other messaging apps like Viber and Hike, who are also offering voice calling feature. Voice calling functionality via the messaging apps has gained more popularity throughout the years and let’s wait and see if the WhatsApp can make a hit with its new voice calling feature.
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