WhatsApp has had spam-solving measures for a while now: you could block people from messaging you when you noticed something fishy about them (usually when receiving a photo, contact, link, or ad from someone you didn't know). Phone numbers that were blocked by several users eventually ended up being temporarily or permanently banned from using the service. However, there was no way for you to tell WhatsApp whether you were blocking a number for personal reasons or because they were actually sending spam messages. That behavior has changed somewhere between version 2.12.12 and 2.12.30 (that's as far as I could narrow it down to). When you get a message from a phone number that isn't in your contacts list, you will now see two big boxes to report it as spam and block it or to add it to your phonebook. This new UI lets you block a number and report it as spam in one step The option to only block can...
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