The OnePlus Icons earphones are now available to buy in India at a price tag of Rs. 2,999. The earphones were until now limited to the US, where they cost at $49.99. The earphones are now available to buy from Amazon India. The company announced availability for Monday over the weekend. It says the OnePlus Icons earphones design takes cues from the organ piano, and they are made of aluminium. The in-ear earphones come with multiple sizes of silicone ear tips. As compared to most of the other earphones in the market that feature 9mm drivers, the Icons earphones include 11mm drivers for better bass and treble performance. OnePlus Icons also include a three-button in-line remote control, which enables users to play or pause their music, increase or decrease audio volume, and answer incoming phone calls. It is “compatible with all OnePlus devices and most Android phones,” says the company. The earphones have a cable length of 1.25 metres and a sound pressure of 110dB. With a fr...
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